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 This is because when we add, a “ generic” product ( will be added and I will tell you ) below that it will act as a connection between the booking system and the checkout system or “ call ” . In this post, I will not explain how to configure it, because it is not over, I will only tell you what you need to touch to make the system work. You must remember that you must add the payment method you want (,), taxes, etc.

The world of online commerce does not

Just like in a normal online store. Jet engines Second, we will install and latest database activate. After installation, you must go to > and activate the option. This step is critical because when we configure it, it asks us to automatically create a booking form in >. Finally, we will install the plugin that will make the whole article meaningful. If the Configuration Wizard skips you, skip it because we’ll configure everything later.

Increasingly, companies are becoming

When ready, we have now installed three plugins and made the basic configuration. Now let’s create the whole system. Oh, ah!!! Create custom post types for services and vendors I have taught you how to create custom post types using the “ custom post types ” plugin KH Lists some time ago, but this time we will use the option as it also allows us to create forms so that we save a plugin that will be automatically integrated with.

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