Was uploaded to the defendant’s website. In the space for comments on the blog articles of this website, several people wrote offensive comments towards the protagonist of the news. It could read “Thief”, “This is a son of…”, among other offensive and insulting phrases. Given these facts, the owner of the website deleted some offensive comments, but not all. Shortly after, the offended party (that is, the councilor) sued the owner of the website requesting that the defendant compensate him, for the damages caused, with 30,000 euros. The Court, weighing the time that the comments remained published and their seriousness, among other parameters, considered that there was fault on the part of the defendant. For this reason, he was sentenced to pay 1,200 euros plus costs for not withdrawing certain comments.
This Court decision establishes a very Important precedent
That should concern all of us who have a space on the Internet in which third parties can publish. Thus, it is clear that the owners of a website can be responsible for. What users comment and even be forced to respond for it. In this case, the Russia Phone Number List defendant was “lucky” and, of the 30,000 euros that the plaintiff requested, he finally only had to pay 1,200 euros. Even so, extreme precautions must be taken and a positive and offensive-free atmosphere must be ensured on our blogs and websites.Starting a company may seem like a complicated and expensive idea, but in reality it is not like that.
The Congress of Deputies has just approved
The so-called “Create and Grow Law” to simplify the creation of companies and greatly reduce the cost involved. So much so that a company can be established for only one euro. If you have a business idea and are considering carrying it out, now is your time. In this article we are going to talk about this new law and how it will help KH Lists entrepreneurship. Law for the creation of companies (and their growth) This law is part of the Recovery. Transformation and Resilience Plan and was finally approved on September 15, 2022. Already published in the BOE, this regulation involves the modification of various legal texts related to the creation of companies.