The ability to adapt


 – Ethical and legal regulation Robotics applications require defining ethical rules and a legal framework to deal with ethical and legal issues. –  The continued development of technology and applications of robots requires an increase in the latter’s ability to adapt.


 This is due to the increase in economic and human challenges at the global level, and the delay in adapting robots to these challenges hinders their spread and, consequently, the path of their development.


 Cost Developing a


nd manufacturing robots constitutes an economic challenge that is diffic Uruguay Mobile Number List ult to solve. This is due to the high cost of designing robots, which is difficult to reduce without affecting the quality of manufacturing robots or their ability to perform the tasks they were designed to perform.



RESOURCES As we explained, robotics depends on a different and diverse number of other sciences. This means that learning this science and specializing in it often requires academic study and obtaining a university degree in one or more of these sciences.

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