The creation of companies, facilitate their expansion and improve the business climate. Thus, the economic cost of creating companies is reduced and procedures are simplified. It will no longer be necessary to have a minimum capital of €3,000 to establish a limited company, as it can be created with a share capital of only €1. In addition, telematic creation is promoted, measures are established to combat late payment and investment in companies is encouraged. Key points 1. Promote entrepreneurship The telematic constitution of companies is promoted through the Information Center and Business Creation Network (CIRCE). This reduces incorporation times, as well as notarial and registration costs.
which makes entrepreneurship more accessible
A SL may be with a share capital. In this way, our standard is closer to that of other neighboring countries. Where a minimum capital to create companies has not for some time. This measure will favor entrepreneurship, since it will be cheaper and easier to establish a company. 2. Fight against late payment The obligation Costa Rica Phone Number List to issue and issue electronic invoices is imposed for all operations between companies and self-employed workers that are carried out. This guarantees greater traceability and control of payments.
Those companies that incur late payments
Will not be eligible for subsidies or aid. This was already in many cases, but only considering payments or non-payments to the Administration. That is, breaches of tax or Social Security obligations The novelty is that now companies in default with other companies or self-employed workers will not be able to access public subsidies. In addition, an organization will that will help combat late payments among companies KH Lists and the self-employed: the State Delinquency Observatory. This body will monitor the legal payment deadlines. 3. Encourage crowdfunding To put ourselves in context, it is worth noting that we are currently at a time when the percentage of SMEs requesting bank loans has fallen to 23%, which is an all-time low.