Mobile web traffic is becoming more popular

The right targeted online advertising campaign needs to draw in customers and explain why they should invest in a particular product or service. With more individuals using smart phones and tablets in their personal and professional lives, it is important that businesses create online marketing approaches that are accessible to consumers.

Mashable cited information from a Mobile web traffic is  recent statcounter survey, which showed that 17.4 percent of global web traffic comes through mobile devices. That is a 6 percent increase from 2012. In north america specifically, 15.2 percent of page views come from mobile devices, an increase from 9.4 percent last year.

Magazine article further underscored

The point that mobile marketing is the next frontier in the industry, and encouraged companies to investigate this medium. Specifically, it’s important to test, analyze and then optimize customer data. That way, advertising approaches can be as accurate and detailed as possible.

For example, mobile bounce rates tend to be higher than on desktop computers, the article said. Shorter lead forms can boost conversion, and even breaking down a lead form into two separate screens could be easier on consumers.

“Make sure that optimizing for phonelist mobile is a Mobile web traffic is  part of your marketing strategy,” the article said. “While making your site mobile-friendly can be an investment, taking the time to do so will ensure that your company is able to compete in the digital space.”

Information like this should show businesses why investing in mobile display ads would be beneficial. When small- to medium-sized businesses partner with key media solutions, they can be sure that their targeted internet marketing approaches will successfully reach customers on numerous communication channels.

Another factor that could affect targeted internet marketing

That 37 percent of adventure travelers go KH Lists on excursions with a spouse or partner and 30 percent with their family and kids. Additionally, an Mobile web traffic is  individual’s per-trip spending for adventure traveling – excluding airfare and gear – increased to $947 in 2012. In 2009, that number was $593.

When businesses partner with key media solutions, they can develop a local online marketing campaign that takes into account numerous variants so a strong, successful approach is developed.

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