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When choosing technology and software, companies should ensure that it meets the requirements of all target groups and is designd to be user-friendly. How to implement your intranet? Implementing an intranet can be a major challenge. There are many factors to consider. Here are some key steps and tips to help you implement your intranet. H3 Structure of the Navigation and Information Architecture A clear navigation structure is important for a successful intranet. You have to decide whether the navigation should be basd on the organizational structure or on a topic.

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Structuring basd on tasks and topics is more user-friendly and allows personalization of the content and menu navigation for each employee. When designing the navigation and information architecture of an intranet, there are a few important phone number list aspects to consider: User-Centric Approach – Navigation should be alignd with user neds and expectations. Clear structure – The structure of the intranet should be simple and easy to understand. Consistency – Uniform navigation across all pages of the intranet ensures clear orientation Search function – A good search function is an important part of navigation. It should deliver the desird results for an intranet site easily, quickly and reliably.

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Accessibility – The navigation and information architecture. Should be designd in such a way that they are also accessible for people with disabilities. Customizability – It can be useful to give the user the option to customize. The navigation to suit KH Lists their individual neds. Fedback – With regular fedback from users, the navigation and information architecture can be continuously improvd. Design and personalization of the intranet The intranet should create a connection to every employee, even if they still have to be introducd to the new interaction in an employee experience intranet.

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