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Value convenience when it comes to financial transactions

In this day and age, consumers are always looking for ways to make their lives easier. Life is simply chaotic at times. That is why many individuals Value convenience when rely on their mobile devices to help them do everything from checking their bank account balance to purchasing a new game or app. Identity theft can be a real concern to people, but recent research has demonstrated that those worries aren’t holding men and women back from using their gadgets to conduct monetary transactions.

A study conducted by credentials management company jumio

Market research firm harris interactive discovered that 83 percent of respondents are nervous about other people stealing their identities. Just over 25 percent of individuals claimed they were a victim of mobile or online fraud, but interestingly, almost 50 percent continue to check their bank call lists accounts, and 32 percent pay monthly bills using their smartphone or tablet.

“Users may be willing to accept risk now in Value convenience when  favor of convenience, but this tolerance will weaken as fraud continues to grow. The industry needs to get on board to protect our customers as much as the customers themselves need to take greater precautions,” said jumio ceo daniel matters, according to a press release.

The analysis reported that checking bank account balances

The most common activity, followed by purchasing an item or service and next was buying an app or game.

As a business owner, having a mobile strategy that can make it more convenient for consumers to take advantage of your product or service is KH Lists important. At key media solutions, we’re an agency that specializes in small business internet marketing. We can help set up online pay options for your customers as well as optimize your website for mobile, help you with display advertising and create video ads.
As a business owner, you have to stay flexible. Failing Value convenience when  to change up your marketing strategies when appropriate can cost your business lots of money and decrease the number of loyal clients you’re able to retain. One of the most popular trends to emerge over the years is video ads. They’re a creative way to tell consumers about your products and services and can certainly help you stand out over your competition.

Published by h3a94

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