We start from the assumption that computer scientists who are experts in apple technologies are professionals in great demand by companies and professionals who use macs and iphones . This is because apple devices are increasingly us in companies (and not only). Therefore the demand for personnel is also increasing in italy. Especially for the repair of devices and for the offer of systems consultancy services . Both in assistance both in company it. To keep up with the market. We have creat a training path that can accompany those who wish to become apple certifi technicians to certification and the acquisition of professionalism .
As an applecare technician
Apple certifi technician: the complete path country email list there is quite a lot of theoretical and practical knowl ge that a well-round apple technician is requir to have. But what is meant by an “all-round” technician ? We are talking about those who are able to intervene not only on apple hardware. As an applecare technician. But also on the software. As a certifi systems engineer . In fact. There are two (and with very distinct roles) professional figures who “take care” of apple devices. And with our course. Lasting 92 hours . We want to prepare you to be both: apple hardware technician and apple software technician.
Learn troubleshooting techniques on macos
Here’s what you’ll learn exactly (here’s the detail program) : a) apple specialist KH Lists module (in virtual classroom) technical introduction to macos. B) macos support essentials module (in virtual classroom) learn to solve software problems. Learn troubleshooting techniques on macos and deal with problems and anomalies effectively. Furthermore. You prepare to take the acsp (apple certifi support professional) certification exam. Which will allow you to: – qualify your business – support your customers with an ge – display the certificate and use the logo on your image coordinat – start the path to propose yourself as a certifi consultant in the acn network (apple consultants network).